

I am working for a trading company as a salesman now.(我現在在商業公司擔任營業)

只有能在最短時候裡吸引買家注意的有用廣告,才有機遇進行更深入的行銷(面試),搞懂了這段關係,你就可以理解有效 翻譯履歷表對成交有多主要!所謂有效的履歷,必需包括:(1)我能供應什麼,讓公司覺得不用我便可惜了(2)我有什麼特質與經驗,讓公司感覺我可以勝任此職務:

若有打工經驗或社團經驗,可申明這過程當中的收穫,以及對於所求職工作能力需求的扶助,若有實例可左證更好。另外,個人從這些勾當經驗中 翻譯心得,對於某項職場工作倫理的體悟,也可提出來,藉此顯現本身待人處世的成熟度。
I am outgoing ,easy to get along with, and very active .I was a member of social service club, and being the president of the club. Because of this position, I learned more things, like leadership skills, organizing group activities and designing posters and cards.